There are many good reasons to have a pet. For example, scientific studies show that the presence of an animal contributes to your well-being, mental and physical, and that it has a moderating effect on stressful situations in life.
Therefore it’s no surprise that many people own a pet. It seems though that cats are more popular here in Québec, with roughly 32% of households owning at least one cat, while only 24% of homes have at least one dog. This love affair has a price: according to Statistics Canada, in 2011, Québecers spent $1.09 billion on domestic animals!
We have not yet compiled any official data from our clients, but it is certain that pets live in many of our condos. Day to day I’m lucky enough to meet many small dogs in the elevators at Lowney, although some big ones too.
Several residents have shared with me their tips for easy living with their doggies. For example, some of them have arranged areas in their closets for their pets clothing, leashes and boots. For big dogs, we can take several precautions when buying a condo, mainly by choosing a floor mat with texture to diminish the look of scratches or picking colors similar to the dogs’ hair (shedding) so it doesn’t clash. One client told me this week that his bamboo floor was perfect for his big doggie.
Finally, the secret for a good life for you and your pet is exercise! Luckily, there are many dog parks in Montréal (follow the link to find out their exact locations). Near Lowney and Bassins du Havre, you can bring your best friend to the dog park just minutes away on the corner of Brennan street and Duke. There are two play areas there, with one reserved for small dogs!
The image at the top of this post comes from SPCA’s PetFinder Team page.